i A Time and a Place...

Friday, June 24, 2005

"i just read"

a very interesting site that was about old sayings and quips. i just want to add my three favorites to her list. two were originally said to me by my now deceased brother-in-law, clarence, and the other was a favorite of my now deceased mother, georgia. (aka,- grannie bue)

the first was what my mother said to a child when she was sassed by that child. (a cardinal sin)

"don't you sass me or i'll 'slap the fire out of you!'"

the first of clarences' sayings was what clarence says he told the preacher when he, as he was marrying my sister, was asked," will you take this woman for better or for worse, and he said,'i'll have to take her for better because they don't come no worse.'"

the second had to do with a dear friend of his, the wife of one of his life long friends who owned a wrecking yard. the ladys' name was willy and she talked incessantly. he said,"she talks so much that if you sewed her mouth shut, her tongue would beat her brains out."


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