i A Time and a Place...: ...oops'...Forgot...

Friday, June 09, 2006


...and I quote:
"I have decided, mainly because the Rubaiyat is one of my favorite pieces of literature, to insert a Quatrain (verse) or two into each daily (or whenever) post instead of posting the entire missile. A friend of mine in the bog does this with a cartoon and it seems not to take away from the impact of his astute observations. I will use my own book, the fifth edition of the translation of the Rubaiyat by Edward Fitzgerald from which to extract Quatrains."

Iram indeed is gone with all his Rose,
And Jamshýd's Sev'n-ring'd Cup where no one knows;
But still a Ruby gushes from the Vine,
And many a Garden by the Water blows.

And David's lips are lockt; but in divine
High-piping Péhlevi, with "Wine! Wine! Wine!"
Red Wine!"--the Nightingale cries to the Rose
That sallow cheek of hers to incarnadine.

Come, fill the Cup, and in the fire of Spring
Your Winter-garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To flutter--and the Bird is on the Wing.



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