i A Time and a Place...: The Shame of The Leaders of Israel and the United States of America...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Shame of The Leaders of Israel and the United States of America...

What other President of the United States of America besides George W. Bush would just look on and say or do nothing while the citizens of Israel, the only friend America has in the Middle East, are forcibly removed from their homes!

What other Israli Premier besides the liar and coward, Ariel Sharon, would allow his own people to be forcibly evicted from their own homes!

Be careful, World, Islam is winning!



Blogger sandy said...

I would like to believe that most muslims are peaceful and love their fellow man. BUT, I've seen to many dancing in the street, celebrating and burning the American flag when the radical muslims manage to kill "infidels" and innocent civilians.

Sorry mr loobz, but I don't hear you denouncing those people.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Goat Almighty said...

i denounce this.

i denounce any form of violence against anyone.

all these violence are unnecessary.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

I agree with you completely. This is an atrocity what is happening to the Israeli people. Israel will pull out of Gaza and it will not buy them one iota of good will among Palestinians. They don't want just Gaza they want it all and every Jew out of there.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Kilgore Trout said...

Im not sure that there is any solution to the israel problem. I did see recently the original plans and they seemed like a good idea. That plan called for about half Israeli and half Palistinian and have Jerusalem as an international zone. This seems like a good idea although im not sure that you could implement it today without widespread anger.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Kilgore Trout said...

I grew up in a small town and one of my closest friends was jewish and later in highschool i became friends with a muslim. We went on a trip to europe with the highschool and while we were in france we meet to arab men in full islamic dress. This was my first experience with a devout muslim, my friend walked over and spoke to them. i wont lie i was nervous but the two men came over and hugged us both and gave far and away the warmest welcome ive ever had from a stranger. If i had walked up to a random christian in a forgien country and said hello and id like you to meet my muslim friend i dont believe i would have recieved the same reaction. While yes I belive there is a level of violence in islam, it is my understanding that Mohammed did speak of killing infidels. There is violence in every religion. The difference i see is that when a muslim attacks the US they are called terrorists or muslim extremeist. when Timothy McVeigh blew up the building in Oklahoma he was not called a christian extremeist. Im not sure how to end this violence but i am quite sure that killing more people is not the way to stop it.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Ca... said...

Good point on the Inquisition. And, yes, it was the Catholic Church. As I recall, no other church encouraged that.

Of course, the catholic church also has a history. When the leader of Rome saw there was no way to stop the spread of Christianity, he decided he'd better get on the band wagon and get control of the situation so he formed the Catholic Church. It was formed as just another way to control the citizens of Rome and surrounding areas. And it worked pretty well. He put his own rules and regulations in place (Refer to Priests as 'Father", canonize Mother Mary as a conduit to God, sprinkle water for baptism while the child is still an infant)and had them in rote (Hail Mary's, etc.) so they would be easier to memorize, and so, obey.(The Bible says, "Call no man Father ; you have but one Father, your Father which is in Heaven) something like that...

That, of course, was only the Catholic Church and not Christianity in general.

Pat might have a point...he is a private citizen and entitled to his opinion.

Last but not least, I'd like to see Bush go to Saudia Arabia and grab the leader, whomever that is now, by the collar and say, "We're out of here. As long as terrorists keep coming out of Arabia and you keep the price of oil at outrageous rates, I'm taking my soldiers home and the New Iraq can come in to here and Kuwait and take over the whole bunch of you!"

11:58 AM  

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