i A Time and a Place...: December 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007

The Lonesome In Me...

While poring over a web site of mine, I chanced to peruse a poem from my past; circa 1985, I think. I may have posted this before but I like it so, as I am prone to do and seeing it is the work of my favorite poet, (me) I'm doing it again.
If you wish to, you may click on the title link and look over some more of my poems and songs. You mought discover one you like.

The Lonesome In Me

A Rose from the Garden that's lost all its petals
The last leaf of autumn that clings to the tree,

A woman past forty who's not known a lover,
These things start up the lonesome in me.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire...

Well, (I say that a lot) Christmas is over and at my house, Mi Espousa, La Donna (A little Mex lingo there) and I both thanked the Lord for His Son and all the blessings we have gotten from Him. As we all know, although we celebrate the birth of our Lord on Christmas, it is really the date of the conception of our Lord. Ne’er the less, we thank Him for our health, happiness and prosperity (remember, we’re in the below poverty level class of Americans) and what we hope will be a long and eventful life!

A new year is about to begin and I’m really curious to find out what it will bring to me and Mi Espousa (a little more Mex lingo here) We are playing our music and entertaining old folks (‘wha..?,,- OK,- Older folks! Is that better?)..-and having a blast.

Today we sang a song that is a favorite of ours. It’s, “When I Fall In Love.” I sing the first verse and Donna sings the second verse then there is an instrumental solo and we come back in and Donna sings the first verse and I sing the first few lines of the second verse then Donna comes in and leads the last part of the second verse and I sing harmony to it. It’s a beautiful song and we really get into it!

After we finished and had our free lunch and were sitting at the table, talking to some friends, a lady (an elderly lady) came by and patted me on the shoulder and said she really enjoyed that particular song; it was so beautiful. I thanked her and she smiled and left.
You know, that sincere compliment was worth more to me than the ten bucks we made in tips! Yeah!! Ten bucks! Whoooaah!

Oh yeah, Santa brought me a Yamaha Keyboard for Christmas and I am now officially learning to play the piano. I had a keyboard years ago but didn’t really learn to play it like a piano. This time I will! And, of course, I am still learning to play lead guitar. Here is a picture of the keyboard and guitar. Ain’t they neat?!?

Well, Mi Amigos, e, Mi Amigas, (a little more Mex lingo there) I’d better hang this up for this time. I’ll let you know how things go with my keyboard, my lead guitar, my music and Mi Espousa, La Donna d’el Nebraska! But not necessarily in that order.

Oh, and I keep getting brief visits from Chico the Wonder Dog. I keep hearing his ears flop back and forth. I must say, it’s nice he stays with us as he has. I Know he must be happy but I feel he misses us some, as we miss him. Happy coming new year to all of you, our friends and family!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Reminiscing…Back a Ways...

I was just sitting here, thinking about when I was thirteen years old and worked for my brother-in-law, roustabouting (or is that,’rousting about’) for Phillips Petroleum in the Amerada Field, south of Midland, Texas. We got a rig-up truck from B and B Construction Company at Odessa. We used several different trucks while I was there. It depended on what we needed to do.

I found this picture on the net. This truck looks a lot like the GMC I am telling about.

I am now remembering a particular truck we used one time for a few days. It was a 2 ½ or 3 ton bobtail single axle truck with a heavy duty headache rack that had a pretty heavy winch. It had a bunch of tool boxes built onto one side and it had a good size set of gin poles and a rolling tailboard.

Sounds like a regular old rig up truck, you say, so what’s the big deal, you ax? Well, I’ll tell you. This was a GMC truck with a five speed main box, a three speed auxiliary box (brownie-short for Watson-Brown -Lipe) and an electric two speed rear axle. I mean, it would go about a thousand miles an hour forward and about 1 hundredth of a mile an hour in the lowest gear and in reverse, it would almost stand still in gear! I mean, this truck was really super geared!

Now what in the heck would anyone need with a truck like this, you ax? Well, I’ll tell you. The day we got this truck, it was in August and about a hundred degrees in the shade (duh-what is shade?) and we had about a half a mile of line pipe to lay. It would be from a well to a tank battery.

By now I had learned quite a bit about setting up tank batteries, heater-treaters and separators and the like. I, also, had laid some line pipe using both pipe tongs and chain tongs and it was quite a lot of work.

Now to make a long story short. At the well was a stack of 2 ½ inch line pipe, to be used as a flow line. Joe was short handed this day, with only me and one more man. He always walked around the site with a pencil and pad and checked things over before we started working. This day there were several things that had to be done and not enough people to do it easily. Then Joe said, “Jamsie, we’ll go on over to the tank battery and then you’ll have to come back and string this pipe. Do you think you can do it alone?” Of course I said I could and Joe showed me how to load the pipe (each joint was 16 feet long) onto the truck between the gin poles that we had set up onto the headache rack. I could haul about six at a time. I would string two joints, pull up and string two more. It’d be a job but I was kinda proud Joe believed I could do it by myself.

We went to the tank battery and I left Joe and the other man there and went back to the well. It was about a half mile away and all flat ground.

I got six joints loaded after stringing three joints by hand and started out. I pulled ahead and got out and pulled two joints off and got back in and did it again.

Huummm…I thought, you know what I could do?,- I axed myself. No, what I queried? Maybe I could tie the steering wheel and put this baby in low gear and just walk along beside it and drag all the joints off without having to get back into the truck. And, you know what? That’s zaktly what I done!

I put that baby into the lowest gear and almost had to wait for it to get to me! That truck went so slow, I could have fallen down in front of it and bumped my head and been groggy and still had time to come around and get out of the way before it got to me! Boy, was that fun.

I was finished in no time and Joe saw me walking along beside the truck when I got close to the battery.

”Hey, Jamsie, that’s some pretty good thinking!” he said. I still feel proud about it now, fifty eight years later!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Long Ago and Far Away...

I've been reading my sister's blog and decided to post this story about her and the rest of our family when we lived in a tent on the desert near Phoenix, Arizona. I was about eighteen months old at that time. I am referred to as "the baby." This is right after a carnival closed and moved on. Daddy and my brother had worked for the carnival, helping to put it together and take it down at the end. Now we were out of a job. Enjoy...

Time to Move On...

"...The carnival is over and we, as most kids would, think every thing will be normal for us
again. However, Mom has different ideas. Daddy was able to work with the people putting the carnival back in the trucks and getting ready to go, so we had a little money. Mother decided that we should all go have our picture made as a family while we could pay for it. Hence, we have a family picture of when the baby was about 18 months old and what a card he was!

The Bues (family friends of ours) had moved to California about the time the carnival first came so we really didn't have any relatives close by,- not that there weren't plenty of neighbor kids to play with, but Mother began to get restless.

One day she had a talk with Daddy and decided she would go to California where she could get a job. Daddy wasn't too crazy about that but then, usually, when she got her mind made up, that's what she did. She took what money she could and she told Daddy she would take Buddy because he would be of some help to her.

So she put some clothes for her and Buddy and the baby in a cloth bag and decided it would be best to go in the evening so she told all of us goodbye and took Buddy and James and left. Mickey cried for the longest time but when Daddy was gone he would say, "Now you girls be sure and mind Mickey," and we did.

We learned long after that ,that Mom, Buddy and James had gotten on a freight train and rode all the way to Chowchilla, California in what seemed like just one night!! We were amazed!

I guess Daddy got a letter from her because he finally got tired of waiting and said, " Come on Girls, we are going to find your Mamma!" We didn't have anything that was not worth leaving so Daddy got a flour sack and put a change of clothes in it for each one of us girls and the next morning we started walking to California.

It was really hot on that highway! Once in awhile a car would stop and ask where we were going and Daddy would say, " California!!" They would give us a ride as far as they were going then we would start walking again.

One time we passed a small grocery store and Daddy bought a loaf of white bread. That was a novelty for us since we only had biscuits at home. He also got each of us girls a sucker; that was three more cents. He stuck three in his pocket and gave us one each and back on the road we went.

We walked 'till we got to a bridge. We went down under it and Daddy said we would have a picnic now. He had a little folding metal cup in his pocket which he took out and got some river water where it was running and looked clear. We really wouldn't have cared just so it was cool and wet. He showed us how to take a bite of the bread and then suck on the sucker a little to make the bread taste sweet and I guess we learned pretty well because we ate nearly half of that loaf of bread before we were done . It sure was good!

We rested till the sun started to go down then we started to walk again. Daddy had a little *bottle in his pocket that he took out and touched to his tongue every so often.

I'll have to stop for now and finish this later."

There is a lot more to this story. Maybe I'll post more of it later.

*That bottle was filled with kerosene. Daddy had TB and thought kerosene was good for him. I guess it worked. He lived until age 81.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

You Are a Fortune Cookie

You're a rather normal person, except that you have extraordinary luck in life.
People want to be around you (even when they're a little sick of you), in hopes of being lucky too!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I just received a greeting card from egreetings.com. When I went to the website, it would only let me see the card if I downloaded it onto my PC. 'ooops!'

It had instructions to copy and paste a code from the e-mail into a 'pick up ID' box and I could see it. That didn't work so I went ahead and saved it off to my desktop and ran a virus check on it.

Voila!!! I contained a 'back door script' virus. Needless to say, (I said needless to say-Oh well) I deleted it before it got opened.

Just thought I'd pass this on in case some of you, also, get a 'Greetings"!


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Worse Than Murder-Worse Than Rape...

THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL! or,-uh..ummm..-whatever..

There's a roar from the crowd,-laughter and etc...

"We're not gonna show that,!" says Gumbel. "It's too horrible!"

"Right," agrees Collingsworth, "Why do things like this have to happen? It's too terrible!"
Why can't people just enjoy a football game without having to put up with horrible, terrible things like this?"

Gumbel and Collingsworth continue to mumble about the horrible, terrible, frightening and completely unacceptable situation that just occurred and which was quickly censored out, making sure no one in the audience of several trillion people worldwide would see it! It had to be worse than murder or rape; Law and Order or any of 15,000 prime time TV programs that show rapes, murders and pocket pickings that are shown to us every day.

I Had just turned away from the game for a split second and now was wondering what the awful thing was that had just happened; something so bad it couldn't be shown on TV. I should have been glad I didn't see it, whatever it was.
Then, after making sure no one in the world had gotten more than a fleeting glance at the terrible thing that happened on the field, Collingsworth let it slip and I realized what it was that happened that was so terrible, so gross, so horrible it had to be blocked from the whole world, from all who were watching the game on TV at that time!

Know what it was? Guess. - OK, here it is: A fan had actually run onto the playing field and tried to tackle a player! My gosh, could anything have happened that would be worse than that? He was hustled off the field before he could injure the 370 pound tackle or the 332 pound right guard or any of the other, bigger giggling players!

Boy, was that a close call? LOL ROTF LingMAO


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Subject: No Parent Left Behind...

I may have posted this before but it's cute enough to post again!

NO PARENT LEFT BEHIND I promise you cannot read these and not laugh
out loud. These are real notes written by parents in an ALABAMA school
district. Spellings have been left intact.

1. My son is under a doctor's care and should not take PE today.
Please execute him.

2. Please exkuce lisa for being absent she was sick and i had her

3. Dear school: please ecsc's john being absent on jan. 28, 29, 30,
31, 32 and also 33.

4. Please excuse gloria from jim today. She is administrating.

5. Plea se excuse roland from p.e. for a few days. Yesterday he fell
out of a tree and misplaced his hip.

6. John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his

7. Carlos was absent yesterday because he was playing football. He
was hurt in the growing part.

8. Megan could not come to school today because she has been
bothered by very close veins.

9. Chris will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side.

10. Please excuse ray friday from school. He has very loose vowels

11. Pleaseexcuse Lesli from being absent yesterday. Shehad diahre
dyrea direathe the shits. ?

12. Please excuse tommy for being absent yesterday . He had diarrhea,
and his boots leak.

13. Irving was absent yesterday because he missed his bust.

14. Please excuse jimmy for being. It was his father's fault.

15. I kept Billie home because she had to go Christmas shopping
because i don't know what size she wear.

16. Please excuse jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot
to get the sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it monday. We
thought it was sunday.

17. Sally won't be in school a week from friday. We have to attend
her funeral.

18. My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. She
spent a weekend with the marines.

19. Please e excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold
and could not breed well.

20. Please excuse mary for being absent yesterday. She was in bed
with gramps.

21. Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover.

22. Please excuse brenda. She has been sick and under the doctor.

23. Maryann was absent december 11-16, because she had a fever,
sorethroat, headache and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever an
sore throat, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over. I wasn't
the best either, sore throat and fever. There must be something going
around, her father even got hot last night.

Now we know why parents are screaming for better education for our
